Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Fear --Lily Allen.

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore.

I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore.

When do you think it'll all become clear?

'Cause I'm being taking over by the fear.

-Lily Allen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

That Feeling... You Know?

"Have you ever experienced something amazing?"


"But haven't you ever felt like you're the only person in the entire universe? Unstoppable? Empowered? Yet totally relaxed?"


"Like when you're gazing up to the starry sky. Or lying in a hammock with your eyes closed, the sun beating down on your skin. And you feel like you can accomplish
anything in the world. Anything you put your mind to, you can do. Haven't you ever felt that?"

"Can't say I have."



"I feel it all the time. It's everywhere around you; you just have to get off the computer and go lay in the soft grass and breathe the fresh smell of Spring flowers. It's that feeling of
now, and not worrying about later, and just pure love. It's an amazing feeling of plain, pure love for the world."


"Do you want to feel it?"



"I have to do my homework. I have to clean my room. I have to text Lisa."

"Come on! You're too preoccupied in the future. Just experience the
present for once, will you?"


"Fine. How do you suggest I do this."

"See that lake over there?"


"Jump in it."

"Are you CRAZY?"

"No, do it. Jump in! It's lovely."

"But, what about--"

"It's the feeling of pure love for the earth. And pure happiness. Empowerment. Being in the complete present and not thinking or stressing about anything else. I don't know how else to describe it. You just have to
feel it. Pure, undivided love. So, go jump in the lake!"

"But, my clothes--"

"And then close your eyes and hold your breath and don't think, just feel the cold water rushing through your hair and over your skin and relax for once in your life."

"But, my

"And then when you start to feel uncomfortable, come up for air. And you'll see me waving and smiling at you."

"But, my make-up--"

"And then you'll have felt it. The present, I mean. The pure love I'm talking about."

"The present?"

"You know.
Right now. This very moment."


So, you'll have experienced something amazing."

"Clarify... 'amazing.'"

"Out of this world."

"I don't know... How about I experience something amazing

"Nope! Heh."




"You see?"

"Yeah. Wow. That was... incredible."

"It's just simply loving life. Taking it all in. Living for the moment and enjoying every bit of it."

"I should do that more often."

"You should."

I made up this little story based on that picture I found. I love doing that--just getting a picture and making a before and after. It's great.

Have a nice day, everyone.

The World Won't Stop For You.

You can sit,

and you can stay

and you can hope

and you can dream

and you can wish

and you can want

and you can listen

and you can see

and you can cry

and you can die

and you can leave

if you can fly

and you can shout into the distance and keep calling, and keep calling,
and keep waiting, and keep calling,

but the leaves,
they'll still keep falling.

And the sun will still keep shining

and the kids will still keep whining

and the rain will still keep raining

and the dawn will still keep breaking

and the flowers will still keep growing

and the wind will still keep blowing

No matter what's going on, no matter how bad you feel.

So get up, and go make it right.

The world won't stop for you.

Cheer up, and take flight,

Because the world wants it too.

But the only one to make things right

Is you.

Only you.

So don't rely
On things that can't comply

Like the world

It won't stop,

Not for you.

So don't sit there, and regret it.

Fix it,

or forget it.